Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Fuel viz. petrol, diesel,coal,kerosene which we get naturally are being depleted day by day causing grave concern for the survival of the mankind. All of us know that without the fuel we cannot exist even for a moment. Therefore, everybody should earnestly try to save fuel and use solar energy and other alternative sources for daily living. Like wise we may use solar energy for cooking, illuminate street lights and may warm water etc., we can use bicycle instead of car and other vehicles those are dependent on petrol, diesel etc. Moreover we should also encourage the poors to use biogas in place of wood and kerosene. This will act as a great effort to help protect the trees saving the forests which have significant contribution for preservation of our environment and make it pollution free.


1 comment:

  1. Fuel crisis has been an important topic of discussion for years together in a country like India where the exchequer is exhausted in importing fuel from abroad and the insufficient mine resources are getting depleted very rapidly. It is absolutely right that solar energy and bio-gas are the best alternatives for our subsistence.

    India is an ideal country where solar insolation is high to help procure solar power instead of existing means of procurement which can be proved ill-fated in the near future. At present India is producing a mere 0.4% solar energy compared to other energy resources. Solar energy can be used in rural electrification which is a crying need of the hour in India where much of the country is without power owing to poor presence of electrical grid. Also water pumping, harvesting, cooling can be effectively managed through solar power. It is true that solar energy will save fuel but for producing solar energy the initial deployment for the infrastructure is substantially high. Also it requires a huge chunk of land which is scarce. Because of the high production cost of solar power, it is far dear compared to the conventional thermal power making it still unaffordable.
