Sunday, January 3, 2010

HaPPy NeW YeAr 2010

It is winter season but a new year has reached at our doorsteps with hopes and bright days. Let us all resolve that we all will try to end the curse of war and keep ourselves away from destroying the environment and we all engage our efforts to eradicate the poverty from our beloved earth. New Year may bring prosperity and happiness to all.

A Very Happy New Year 2010!

1 comment:

  1. New Year Wishes

    Kindly accept my warm wishes of the New Year, Sir.

    Wish, we, the regular readers of your blog, will have opportunities galore to read more writings focusing on different kinds of subjects without much interval.

    With the cordial welcoming of the new year, we all wish to live happily with advancement in every sphere of life be it individually or in respect of a group for larger interest and without any violence.

    Time and again, we have been facing serious troubles all over the world, which remain a great cause for concern to us, injuring our physical and mental health and above all, downsizing our progress in present or for future.

    Hope, the way we have greeted the advent of this year, we can celebrate the last day of it in similar momentum of utmost pleasure and enjoyment.

    Happy New Year 2010
